Enigmatic, elusive, reserved, shy, wary and secretive, Kevin is quite a nervous character, even though he appears more or less phlegmatic. His existential anxiety contributes to making him doubt in himself and his capacities. He often hides behind a detached attitude and an ironic smile, supressing his sensitive nature. A solitary sort, he is naturally introverted and inclined to soul searching. Cerebral and intellectual, he could experience two totally antagonistic frames of mind due to his karmic 7. Either he is sceptical, Cartesian and scientific, virulently opposed to all that cannot be explained rationally... Or mystical, intuitive - clairvoyant even, interested in the social sciences or parapsychology, thereby living in harmony with the vibrations of his master number 11, idealist, altruistic, utopian and wise (especially if he was born on the 11th or 29th, in November, or if he has a life Path Number of 11). His active number 25 makes him deviate from conformism, mu...